As we all turn the preverbal calendar page to a new year many of us find ourselves setting resolutions and goals for 2022. At least that is the case for me. Before I can set new goals though, it is important to reflect back on how I did against my 2021 goals.
In 2020 I set BIG goals (which didn't go quite so well), so in 2021 I set a lot of smaller goals about more than just work. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT! I had personal goals, life/community goals, and work goals... within those three categories I had a total of 26 goals. What the heck was I thinking!?!
So how did I do against them? I knocked some of those goals out of the park... I read nearly 30 books, I spent more time in Eastern Washington than ever before, and I exceeded my financial goals for ALTA in the first year. And with others, there was zero movement... nothing, nada, zero, zilch. Some may consider this a failure... I did not achieve all of my goals. Companies that determine bonus potential on goal achievement would say that I should not get all (or any) of my bonus.
But I am choosing a different lens to look at 2021 with - one of grace and a holistic understanding.
2021 was tough.
Everyone is trying to come out of the pandemic thinking it is all ok (spoiler alert: it's still not all ok), but that isn't quite the case. I was talking with my cousins last night (a front line healthcare worker and the CEO of a tech company) and both of them shared that through everything, they are tapped out... the headspace for more just isn't there right now (admittedly they are also completely remodeling their kitchen which is taking up a bunch of space).
So as I plan my 2022 goals it is time to apply the K.I.S.S. principle. I have set a total of six goals: two personal, two life/community, and two work goals (have I mentioned that two is the new three?).
As you reflect back on your goals (and those for your team), and look ahead to setting goals for 2022 I urge you to do two things:
Give yourself (and your team) some grace for 2021. It was a tough year and we still have a ways to go.
Keep your 2022 goals simple. Combine your goals, work, task plans into one (not three).