I mentioned last week that my husband and I go for a long walk nearly every morning. While it is great to get the exercise and fresh air, it just so happens that our favorite coffee shop, Lionheart, is a convenient stop along the way. OK, so maybe we go that way to get a cup of coffee (no judging please). For those that know me, you are well aware of my coffee snobbery and let me tell you, their oat milk latte is delicious!

But that isn't the only reason why Lionheart continues to get my business. They focus on providing a great experience for their community, customers, and employees.
When the schools closed in our area, Lionheart started making to go lunches for anyone that needed them (to date, they have served ~9,000 lunches). As restaurants were able to reopen, they co-sponsored a community eating area (complete with canopy, tables and cleaning supplies) to allow customers of local restaurants to take advantage of the space. And when they were forced to layoff nearly all of their employees this spring, they were able to find all that wanted one, a new job.
Wait, what!?! Really???

Lionheart is in the relationship business... by knowing their employees and their customers, they were able to match up employees with new roles within their customers' organizations.
Most employees who have lost their jobs during the pandemic, were not so lucky. Perhaps you were the one to layoff your employees... perhaps you are thinking that it would have been nice to find your employees new jobs, but there was no way.
We can't change the past, but we can influence the future. While it may not be realistic to find positions for employees that we have to layoff, we can all get to know our employees a bit better... you never know what may happen.
Next time you meet with your employees (maybe even over a delicious cup of coffee), try asking:
What led you to this career?
What energizes you at work?
How do you prefer to start your day (coffee, anyone?)?
If you weren't in the role you are in now, what would you be doing?
How can I help you?
...you may be surprised at what you find out!